Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Does God still care? - Douye Ikhumi

Does God still care?

Today if the average person is asked the question: does God truly care? Is he concerned about our sufferings? Is he truly the God of love? Most importantly does he love me? One would think and then look around at the human suffering that plagues our very existence. One cannot turn on the television or read the newspapers without feeling the pain of mankind. Bombs, diseases, poverty, war, tsunamis, murder, hunger and loneliness are just some of the numerous things that have caused mankind pain for centuries.

Yet, the scriptures say in Exodus 3:7…’’ The lord said, I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering…’’


  •  God sees the misery in the world today. His ear is not deaf neither is his hand to short to save, our iniquities have separated us from him. It is only through the knowledge of the grace of Jesus Christ that we can connect with his love.
  •  God hears our cry for help. He is there when we cry for he said…’’I have heard them crying out.
  • God is concerned about our welfare and sends messengers of love to comfort us daily, just as he sent Moses to free the Israelites from the Slave drivers of Egypt.

 God sees our misery, he hears our cry for help, and he is concerned about our welfare. He is nearer to you then you think. Do you remember when you were faced with an insurmountable problem and God was right there with you. Do you remember when you were sick and received healing, Do you remember when you had no money and yet feasted like a King? Hold on to these memories for God is concerned about you.

Challenge: Take note of the ways God solves your problems daily. Share these daily miracles with a friend today.

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