Tuesday 3 October 2017

Faith the antidote for Worry - Douye Ikhumi

Faith the antidote for Worry

I notice a frown on your face, a despondent look filled with worry
Life seems dull, filled with tension and empty promises
Has God forgotten are questions left unspoken
When will my prayers be answered are frequent thoughts you ponder
Have you ever felt this way? 
Do you have fears and worries? 
Have you become a Christian who continues to serve God out of habit rather than love?

Hebrews 11:1 says Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. What are the key words in this passage?

  • Confidence
  • Hope
  • Assurance

If you have confidence that something will happen to you will you waste time worrying or being fearful?
If you have assurance that the gift will be given to you will you be worried and anxious?
It is therefore very important to have confidence in God. Faith is actually confidence that God will surely perfect his will in our lives. 
Confidence is a product of action. Which areas of your life do you need to take action today?
 How do you need to exhibit confidence in God?

Let us show great in our faith today by being confident that his words will surely come to past.

Let us paint a picture - Douye Ikhumi


Let us paint a picture

Have you ever gone for an art exhibition and then heard a lot of people exclaiming and cooing over this beautiful piece of art. You walk over to also examine it with rapt attention. However, when you get there you see absolutely nothing. You close your eyes and then open them to stare at a painting of green and orange. It has no form it is just green and orange. You are told that this is an abstract painting and then you hear someone say that they see peace engulfed with a bit of danger and then you wonder where they got that from. However, in order to blend in you also say you see a bit of this and that and then quietly walk away and wonder if you are in the wrong profession. I can do that, I can just throw a few colours together and then call it an abstract design. Well, before you also dream of changing professions let us redirect our thoughts to the correlation between the painting and real life.

Do you know that every day you add a few drops of paint to this lovely picture called life? You add a bit of black, white, orange and then a shade of yellow. You move on to the next colour and it continues. Life is a painting. Some view it as fun and yet others see only hurt deep within. What have you been painting? What will people say when they view the picture of your life? Do they see happiness? Joy and the fruits of the spirit of do they just see gloom? We are the architects of our destiny and faith. Be intentional as you paint this picture called YOUR LIFE and ensure that you add a bit of sunshine to it daily through the joy of knowing christ and living for him alone. Now let's get to work and start painting...

Laughter is good medicine for the soul. - Douye Ikhumi

Laughter is good medicine for the soul
I just love a good laugh, it tingles and then like a volcano about to erupt the chuckles role out like a thunderous sound of lightening. Then, after a few more bouts there is a bit of calm before the next cycle begins. Isn’t it just beautiful to laugh? It surely does a lot of good for our health. According to research Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.

Now, when was the last time you had a very good laugh? Not a little chuckle, but a loud and long bout of laughter? These days’ people get paid a handsome sum of money to make people laugh and celebrate life. They try so hard and yet with much sorrow I still see people who pay to attend these shows stifle every bit of laughter in their body in the bid to maintain a certain posture and demeanour. Are you like that? Has life become such a burden that you have forgotten to embrace the free gift of laughter? Can you relax and laugh at life? Laughter will do not only your body a world of good but your soul as well. Take out time to laugh today. It will do your bogy and soul a lot of good.

Psalm 126:2 “Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.”