Thursday 21 September 2017

Do You Believe in Coincidences? - By Douye Ikhumi

Do You Believe in Coincidences? - By Douye Ikhumi

Ruth 2:3 - '‘So Ruth went out to gather grain behind the harvesters. And as it happened, she found herself working in a field that belonged to Boaz, the relative of her father-in-law, Elimelech.’’ 

The story of your life has a lot of events that seem to have just happened by mistake. However, it is God who plans and directs every idea, plan and thought. He alone directs our feet towards victory. In Ruth chaper 2 verse 3 the Bible says  - Ruth found herself working in a field that belonged to Boaz. Do you think it was a mistake that she just happened to be gleaning in the field of the relative of Naomi’s husband, Elimelech? 

I submit to you that God directed her to that field because He had good plans for her life. The book of Ruth ends in praise and victory as this simple step changed her destiny. She gave birth to Obed the grandfather of David and she is part of the lineage that brought our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
What are the things in your life that seem to just be happening? Open your eyes and see how the hand of God is directing you towards victory. Ruth had to work hard in the fields – Her path to victory was not easy. She had to work hard and trust in God. 

Key lessons

  • Ruth humbled herself and then God lifted her up.
  • God is guiding us towards victory but it will take hard work to achieve success.
  • God knows what is best for our lives and even when it seems hopeless His hands will guide us in the right direction

I love the song ‘I’ll Just Say Yes’ by Brian Courtney Wilson as it sums up the need to trust God even when we don’t understand where He is leading us. it says…

I'll just say yes
You lead the way
I'm not afraid of what it means for me to say
That this life You gave
Is not my own
I'm trusting You to hear my yes and lead me on
Yes Lord, yes Lord, my life is Yours….
And there is peace when I say yes
I might not see it now but You save the best
For all who trust You and obey

Let us say Yes to Christ today as He leads and directs our every path. 

 Challenge: Pray for God to direct you and open your eyes to see His gentle hands leading you towards victory.

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