Friday 22 September 2017

Hurry Creates Worry - Douye Ikhumi

Hurry Creates Worry
 Are you in a hurry today? Are you worried? Do you feel like you need to accomplish a lot of things and yet do not have enough time to accomplish them? Then you need to meditate on Matthew 6:32:  For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.

What have you been running after? If someone says you are a pagan what would your reaction be? You would express your love for Christ and let them know how long you have been serving God and how much you love God. Then why do we worry so much about the future? God says we must never be like the pagans who run after worldly things. Please don’t open your umbrella until it starts to rain. Why should we live in the future when today is so precious to God.

Key lessons 
  •   Do not be in a hurry
  •  Take life one step at a time 
  •  Be present in today
  •  Let God take care of tomorrow 
  •  Ensure that you are trusting God for the future
 Challenge: List out specific ways you have been like a pagan and pray for God to give you the grace to live for Him today.


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