Friday, 29 September 2017

Who truly exalts us? - Douye Ikhumi

Who truly exalts us? 

The Bible specifically says in the book of James chapter 4 verse 10: we should humble ourselves before the Lord and he will exalt us . This is contrary to the structure of the world, which believes in being humble towards specific people to curry favour from them. 

The world believes in growth emanating from who we know or the connections we have. This is however contrary to the standard of God. Romans chaper 8 verse 6 says the mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. People usually say if one needs to grow in life we need to surround ourselves with those who have riches and are influential. Is this not a standard from the flesh? Was this the motive of Jesus as he started and ended his ministry? Did he say oh I need some rich people in my ministry so when I depart this earth I can entrust my mother Mary to them? On the contrary, the cross of Calvary symbolises the ultimate test of his humility as he entrusted his mother to John the Apostle of love. The focus was eternal life and not things of the flesh.

It is very easy to live and be engrossed in the things of the flesh. However, the Bible clearly says those who use the things of the world, should not be engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away. in 1 Corinthians 7:31.

How can we have the mindset of Christ with respect to achieving our dreams and growing?

  • Remember it is God alone that exalts and blesses. 
  • Make a conscious effort to please God and not man.
  • Focus on things of the spirit and not the flesh.

 The ways of God are contrary to the ways of the flesh. You will be amazed at how God will bless you and lift you up once your sole purpose is to humble yourself before the throne of grace. Meditate on this scripture today and watch out for the miracles that only God can give. “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.” James 4:10

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